Tá, via de regra, não gosto da música do Jay Reatard. Mas veja o que ele tem a dizer sobre o seu processo de composição, nessa entrevista para o AV Club:
I tend to be one of those negative people that thinks you're defined more by what you dislike than what you like. I tend to write about things that irritate me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an elitist, but I can't find anywhere that I can go in the world where at least one person is not going to fucking tick me off. I fly a lot, and I can come home after taking a long flight fucking amped up to write two or three songs about what fucking scumbags people are, after having to sit on a plane with them and watch them eat their boogers.
Uia. Vocês acham que o House é exemplo de misantropia? Ele é uma flor perto desse sujeito. Ah, e claro, um personagem fictício.
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